February 22, 2025 17:25 PM

Articles by Brendan Stewart

Brendan Stewart

121-150 (out of 129)

Latest from this author

  • · Leisure

    U.S. Hotels Shed UV Light on Cleanliness

    Travelers are more concerned about a hotel's cleanliness than the style and customer service, and hotels in the U.S. are all set to impress their customers by going the extra mile in cleanliness in this summer.

  • · Leisure

    American, European Restaurants Adding 'Bug Appétit' to Menu

    Eating insects as a snack or as a meal is nothing new in the places like Korea and the Philippines. But ever thought of a platter of insects and worms on your table in an American or European restaurant?

  • · Leisure

    Disney World: The Costliest Theme Park in the U.S.

    Walt Disney World has announced its single-day ticket price of $89 to outdo Universal Orlando's single-park day visit charge of $88, as declared a week back. USA TODAY said this makes Walt Disney, the costliest park in the world at present.

  • · Leisure

    U.S. Travelers in Egypt Warned of Possible Danger

    A week after all the demonstrations and protest against Hosni Mubarak's regime while the first round of presidential elections was going on 23-24 of May, the US Department of State alerts US Travelers and citizens living in Egypt about the chances of a second round of the elections that might take place on June 16-17,2012.

  • · News

    Alaska Airlines Provides Nonstop Service to Portland to Washington D.C.

    Alaska airline has announced nonstop service between Portland and Washington D.C. after getting a green signal from the Department of Transportation. The service will start from August 28, 2012. "We are pleased to have approval to start our service in August and offers residents of the greater Portland area the only nonstop flight to Washington, D.C.'s close-in airport," said Joe Sprague, Alaska Airlines vice president marketing.

  • · Leisure

    Cancun Marine Museum, Adds New Attractions

    Cancun is all set to attract more tourists this summer, as the most popular destination of the city added 60 new sculptures.

  • · Leisure

    Alaska Airlines Introduces New Flights to Philadelphia, Seattle

    Alaska Airlines introduced its daily nonstop flights between Philadelphia and Seattle on June 11, 2012.

  • · Leisure

    Virgin America Introduces Low Cost Services to San Francisco, Los Angeles

    Virgin America has introduced its new low cost services to San Francisco and Los Angeles from Portland. With two daily nonstop flights from Los Angeles and one daily nonstop flight from San Francisco to Portland, Virgin America is expanding to its 18th destination.

  • · Leisure

    Dos and Don'ts on Norwegian Roads

    Before one plans to hit the Norwegian roads, one should check out the list of dos and don'ts issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK).

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