March 31, 2025 18:59 PM

'Pokemon Go' Latest News: Hearcross & Corsola Arrived With Gen 2; Other Region Exclusive Pokemon Revealed

"Pokemon Go" latest expansion has brought along a number of region exclusive Pokemon. Among them are the most elusive Heracross and Corsola.

The fascinating and strange element of "Pokemon Go" is its delegation of region exclusive Pokemon. In the game, it will not matter how much time you pour on the game, or how many miles you have walked to get a certain Pokemon. In the end, those efforts will never sum up to get you all the Pokemon. Previously, there are 145 Pokemon available in the game at launch; four of them are tagged as region exclusive. That means the only way to add them in your Pokedex is to either hatch them from an egg, a book fight, or you travel abroad.

Now that "Pokemon Go" has expanded, more than 80 new Pokemon were added to the game when the Gen 2 update was released. This expanded not only the game but also the number of region exclusive pocket monsters.

Among the latest "Pokemon Go" region exclusive addition is the Normal type Pokemon Taurus. According to Eurogamer, this Pokemon can be found in the North American region. In these places, this Pokemon is scattered everywhere. Reports claimed that Taurus is most often seen in wide desert-like places or rodeo related areas.

Another Pokemon is Kangaskhan, which is exclusively found in Australasia regions. It is a normal type of Pokemon generally found anywhere in these regions. It particularly appears in cities and parks. A Psychic/Fairy Pokemon, Mr.Mime is also another region exclusive Pokemon recently added to "Pokemon Go." Mr. Mime can only be found in the regions that comprise Europe. Farfetch'd is a flying type Pokemon exclusive to Asian regions. Reports claim that you can found more Farfetch'd in Japan and South Korea.

Meanwhile, the most elusive Bug/Fighting type Pokemon in "Pokemon Go," is Heracross, which is now categorized as region exclusive. According to BGR, Heracross can be found in Central America, South America, and some parts of Florida and Texas. On the other hand, the Psychic/Fairy type Pokemon Corsola is also classified as region exclusive. According to reports, Corsola is abundant in the tropicsResearch suggests that Corsola can be found between 31N and 26S of the globe. This region comprises parts South Florida (not all parts), Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia and more.

Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go news, Pokemon go gen 2
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