March 31, 2025 17:59 PM

'Pokemon Go' Latest Tips & Tricks: Where To Find Corsola

Players have been asking where to Corsola in "Pokemon Go." Here is some useful information with tips and tricks that could help you locate "Pokemon Go's" most elusive Pokemon.

With the release of the second generation of Pokemon in "Pokemon Go," one Pokemon has remained the most elusive among all other Pokemon in the game, Corsola. There are players who have already caught Corsola while others failed to locate it. It has become clear however; that there are parts of the world that the creature spawns in and parts that it does not. However, Corsola is not like the other region-exclusive Pokemon that are available in certain countries and not in others.

In "Pokemon Go," the region Corsola seems to be exclusive to, according to Heavy, is anywhere on the globe between 31°N and 26°S. It includes the very south end of Texas and Florida and the north of Australia. There are already region exclusives Pokemon associated with regions like North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. On the other hand, Corsola would cover Mexico, South America, Africa, and India, which did not previously have any region-exclusive Pokemon. This makes sense that Niantic give this part of the world its own Pokemon.

There has been some discussion, about whether Corsola is a "Pokemon Go" regional Pokemon or not. There is also a theory that associates Corsola with the seasons. In fact, the Pokedex entry for Corsola notes that these Pokemon assemble in warm areas and migrate south for the winter, so most probably, the only reason it is not currently available in the north is because of the weather. The only problem with that theory is that Corsola is currently showing up in quite a few places where the weather is still cold. Corsola is not showing up as well in other places where the weather is warm.

Pokemon Go
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