March 31, 2025 18:43 PM

'Pokemon Go' Latest Update: New Johto Pokemon Biomes; Know Where They Spawn!

The latest "Pokémon Go" gen 2 update introduced over 80 new Pokemon in the game. In line with the latest expansion, here is a rundown of Gen 2 Johto Pokémon, their latest biomes or where they spawn.

Pokémon typically spawns at a higher frequency in specific biomes or areas of the real world that are associated with that type of Pokémon. The latest "Pokémon Go" gen 2 update, however, introduced an unclear type of Pokémon that appears to confuse players. Thankfully, the Silph Road has made an atlas of these new Johto Pokémon that will help the players in the game.

"Pokémon Go" Grass Pokémon

The "Pokémon Go" gen 2 Grass Pokemon typically has a higher spawning frequency when they are at parks, gardens, forests or grassy areas. You can spawn Pokemon like Chikirita, Bayleaf, Meganium and Bellossom here. In addition, "Pokémon like Hoppiff, Skiproom and Jumpluff can be found here. You can also spawn Pokemon like Sunkern, Sunflora or Celebi as these Grass Pokemon spawns faster here.

"Pokémon Go" Psychic Pokémon

There are also Psychic Pokemon in the latest "Pokémon Go" gen 2 updates. These Pokemon spawns at a higher frequency rate in areas like hospitals and residential areas. Espeon, Natu and Wobbuffet belong in this category. In addition, you can find Lugia, Celibi, Smoochum and Gerafarig in these areas as well.

"Pokémon Go" Fire, Water Pokémon

Fire Pokemon are those that can be found and spawns at a higher frequency in residential areas and in places with warm or dry climate. The "Pokémon Go" gen 2 Pokemon like Cyndaquil, Quilava and Typhlosion belong in this category. Other Pokemon that spawns at a higher frequency rate in these areas are Macargo, Slugma, Magby, Entei, and Ho-oh. On the other hand, Water Pokemon are those that can be found on beaches, lakes, rivers, oceans, harbors and farmlands. The Pokemon that are in this category is Remoraid, Octillery, Corsola, Mantine, Suicine and Quillfish.

"Pokémon Go" Normal Pokémon

The Normal Pokemon spawns can occur anywhere, however, they seem to happen at a slightly higher frequency near residential areas. The "Pokémon Go" gen 2 Pokemon like Sentret, Furret, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togetic, Togepi and Gligar belong in this category. You can also spawn Snabbull, Granbull, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Porygon, Smeargle, Stantler, Miltank and Blissey in these places.

"Pokemon Go" Dark Pokemon

These "Pokemon Go" gen 2 Pokemon have spawn areas that are yet to be discovered. However, there are reports that they spawn at a higher rate during nighttime. The Pokemon that are in this classification are Umbreon, Murkrow, Houndoom and Houndoor, reported Heavy.

Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go news, Pokemon Go Gen 2 update
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