March 9, 2025 22:53 PM

'Final Fantasy XV' Latest Guide On How To Beat 100 Cactuar & Slactuar In Timed Quests In Just 15 Minutes

"Final Fantasy XV" first timed the quest is to fight 100 Cactuar and Slactuar in a continuous battle. Here is our latest guide with tips and tricks that could help you on how to effectively beat all 100 giant Cactuses in a timed quest.

In "Final Fantasy XV," timed quests are the latest addition from the most recent 1.05 update of the game for the PlayStation 4 Pro. The first timed quest is for players to combat 100 Cactuar and Slactuar in an incessant battle.

Cactuars has a notorious reputation in "Final Fantasy XV" for being elusive enemies, and in order to beat them, you have to strategically prepare. To start, head to south Duscae, located west of the Causcherry Plains base. Then head south, towards a tower. When you are already there, simply go to the waypoint to begin the Timed Quest, says Video Games Republic.

In this "Final Fantasy XV" timed quest, you will face ten cactuars at a time. The fight starts to get difficult when these creatures begin launching status changing effects and needles attacks one after the other. This barrage of attacks will make you confused, making it hard for you to fight or flee, or do anything. In order to avoid this, the strategy is to keep your distance and use a large area of effect attacks. In addition, use strong magic attacks like single cast or Ice or Lightning. Also, use Gladious' Impulse technique, which will create a shockwave that can take out numerous enemies at once.

During the battle, it is expected that these Cactuars will come running up to you. It is best to warp around the battlefield or on top of a boulder in the middle of the battlefield if you need some break. In addition, equip Mega Phoenix items to revive the party as well as Mega Potions. Armiger effects are also useful for taking out a few, but it is best to concentrate on keeping your distance and using area of effect attacks. With this strategy, you can complete the "Final Fantasy XV" Cactuar timed quest in 10 to 15 minutes.

The rewards for finishing this "Final Fantasy XV" timed quest are outstanding. It includes 150,000 gil and 333AP alone make it worth it. You will also get a large amount of EXP per Cactuar kill as well as lots Remedy, Hi Potions, and Mega Potion items, according to Eurogamer.

Final Fantasy XV
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