March 31, 2025 19:03 PM

'Pokemon Go' Latest News & Update: Latest Move Changes; Power Reduced, Energy Gain Reduced, Duration Reduced & More

"Pokemon Go" moves has been changed. There are several moves that have been reduced in Power, Duration and Energy Gain.

On February 21, the GAME_MASTER file was updated again, signifying the second move re-balance in the past seven days. There is yet no confirmation if this change will be permanent or is it just another swing of the game balancing. This resulted in massive move changes of the majority of "Pokemon Go" moves. There are speeds that had been lengthened in the recent update. Moreover, for some moves, the power has been reduced, as well as the energy gain and the damage caused, says Heavy.

One noteworthy change in "Pokemon Go" moves was to the move Water Gun. Previously, it inflicted 10 damage but now only inflicts five damage. These recent move changes enable players to take down Blissey more easily, who in the previous days was proven to be unstoppable, reported Heavy.

The "Pokemon Go" moves that have received reduced in Power, Duration, and energy gain includes Acid, Feint Attack, Fire Fang, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, and Pound. Other moves like Razor Leaf, Scratch, Steel Wing and Sucker Punch received the same changes. Other moves that have been altered this way are Thunder Shock, Vine Whip, Water Gun, Wing Attack.

The "Pokemon Go" moves that have received reduced in Duration are Bug Bite, Charge Beam and Ember. Other moves like Extrasensory, Furry Cutter, Ice Shard and Infestation also received the same changes. Karate Chop, lick, Metal Claw, Mud Slap, Peck, Rock Smash, Snarl, and Zen Headbutt received similar changes as well.

The "Pokemon Go" moves that have received increased in Power includes Air Slash, Counter, and Hidden Power. There are also "Pokemon Go" that has been altered where Power and Energy gain are increased. Among these moves are Volt Switch and Struggle Bug.

Pokemon Go Hub offers more of these "Pokemon Go" moves changes. You can visit their site if you find your favorite move not included in our list.

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