March 3, 2025 13:43 PM

‘Vikings’ Season 4 Episode 17 Recap: Bjorn Saves Lagertha From Ivar

In this week's episode of "Vikings" entitled The Great Army, the show has been packed and loaded with significant events making the story more thrilling than ever. The spotlight of the episode was fixed on Bjorn 'Ironside' Ragnarsson saving the day with his eleventh-hour appearance.

The episode aired last January 11 started off with Ivar, together with his brothers planning a murderous coup against Lagertha to extract revenge for the death of their mother, Aslaug. Ivar is planning to kill Lagertha with the knife Ragnar gave to Sigurd however, this resulted in a dispute between the brothers. It turns out that Sigurd is not fixated on killing Lagertha because he had problems against Auslaug favoring Ivar more than him.

Sigurd was then captured by his brother and pushed on to kill Lagertha in a party held to welcome the arrival of new Vikings joining the army. According to The Young Folks, the scene greatly resembled the "Game of Thones" Red Wedding scene when two men locked the doors and Torvi sensing that something is wrong. Following the HBO drama, blades of Ivars men struck down Lagertha's men while "Boneless" fought his way up to Lagertha.

Lagertha then drew her sword to fight of Ubbe and Ivar. Bjorn stormed the room in the nick of time reminding them that they should be avenging their father's death and not Lagertha. He faced his half-brothers and said that if they want to kill his mother, they have to kill him first. Neither of his little siblings seemed interested in challenging him so they left Lagertha to live another day.

This proved to be an intelligent move to Ivar and Ubbe because if they managed to kill Lagertha, Kattegat will be left defenseless and leaderless against Halfdan and Harald when the great army left to sail. After the commotion at the party, Bjorn was shown having dinner with Trovi who gave him a no go with joining forces with Ivar as reported by Forbes. Bjorn exploded with the thought and shouting and smashing stuff as he goes.

One of the twists in the latest episode of "Vikings" is when Bjorn was shown making up with his mother's lover, Astrid. Bjorn is now following the footsteps of his father in a bad way betraying both Trovi and his mother. With betrayals after betrayals, the plot gets more thrilling as the next episode titled 'Revenge' focuses on Ivar's plan his father's death.

Vikings, Recap, TV series
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