March 31, 2025 18:18 PM

'Pokemon Go' Latest Guide: Fix The Blue Screen Freeze Glitch That Is Driving Everyone Crazy!

"Pokemon Go" has a blue screen freeze glitch that has been driving players crazy. Here is the latest guide on how to fix this glitch.

Since the Generation 2 update was rolled out to "Pokemon Go," players have been complaining about running into an ill-fated glitch. Most often upon attempting to load the game on iPhone, the game freezes at a blue screen. This glitch is not a new issue. However, assuming that this is not an isolated case, here is a quick rundown of tips and tricks to help you solve this.

If your game keeps freezing just right after the loading screen, the best thing to do is to wait until the loading bar is completely full. You can see this on the screen that currently shows a crew of baby Pokemon reveling New Year's Eve. After the loading bar is completely full, double tap the home button to bring up the app switcher. You can then tap on the "Pokemon Go" app once again.

This process has been tried and tested multiple times and it has not failed players yet. Unluckily, with this process, it does take a few ticks for the map to populate with PokeStops, and Gyms in "Pokemon Go." It is best for players to exercise patience upon seeing an empty map at first, according to BGR.

A glitch like this in "Pokemon Go" rearing its ugly head every now and then would not be the end of the world. However, doing the tricks advised would entail players to seemingly do this unlimited number of times in a row. Other player reports that they had the app freeze on the blue screen 10 times in a row.

Uninstalling the "Pokemon Go" does not work. In addition, logging out and checking back in will not help either. At present, there has been no permanent fix in the works or at least none that Niantic has ever announced. For now, the loading trick is the only fix.

Pokemon Go
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