March 29, 2025 15:08 PM

'Pokemon GO' News & Update: New Items, Gen 2 Monsters & Eggs

"Pokémon GO" the new update offers new changes, including new monsters, eggs, and other special items. Part of the update is the new released is the 80 Gen 2 Pokemon. Aside from that, Niantic has teased about the upcoming changes. It sounds more surprises for the fans.

"Pokemon GO" creator Niantic Lab has given surprises again to its fans by launching "Pokémon GO." The said update is supposed to add about 100 new monsters to the mobile-augmented game, according to Birmingham Mail. However, "Pokemon GO" developer Niantic has been reported that it teased about the big update. So it means, there are more changes to expect. The said message contains, "That's all for now. Look for another update from us in a few weeks."

At the start of the game, Professor Willow will give players their first Pokeballs. This could mean it references the release of more monsters this month.Online users are now speculating that there will be more mini-events coming. It is also expected that Legendary Pokémon(s) will come.

Part of the "Pokemon GO" update is the new items. These special items are dubbed as Evolution Items or Evolution Requirements.

Several Pokemon require one of these items in order to evolve into their next-level Pokemon. Players' patience is indeed to capture a certain type of Pokemon many times to make a candy or carry along as a Buddy Pokemon for Pokemon Candy.

The first collection of Special Items includes King's Rock, Sun Stone, Dragon Scale, Metal Coat, and Up-Grade. Each of these items corresponds with one or more specific Pokemon evolution, according to Slash Gear.

The following are the combination of Pokemon and its corresponding items, and their evolution: Combining Sun Stone and Gloom will evolve into Bellossom; Sun Stone + Sunkern evolved intoSunflora; King's Rock + Poliwhirl evolved into Politoed; King's Rock + Slowpoke evolved into Slowking; Metal Coat + Onix evolved into Steelix; Metal Coat + Scyther evolved into Scizor; Up-Grade + Porygon evolved into Porygon2; and Dragon Scale + Seadra evolved into Kingdra

Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go news, Pokemon go gen 2
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