March 31, 2025 18:56 PM

'Resident Evil 7' Cheats, Tips & Tricks: Where to Find Steroid Syringes To Increase Maximum HP

In "Resident Evil 7," steroid syringes are one of the upgrades you can use to increase your max HP, allowing you to take more damage before dying. Here are the tips and tricks on how to find all the steroid syringes to increase max HP.

In "Resident Evil 7", to find the first Steroid Syringe, you will have to look for a Treasure Photo on a shelf located in the basement. Pick up the Treasure Photo and go to the Drawing Room. Walk up to the fireplace and interact with one of the tiles. Remove the tile and the first Steroid Syringe will be right in front of you. Pick it up and use it for gain additional HP.

The second Steroid Syringe in "Resident Evil 7" can be found in Zoe's trailer. To be able to get the Steroid Syringe, Segment Next notes that you are required to spend some of your Antique Coins. The second Steroid Syringe is locked away inside a birdcage. You need to use you Antique Coins to open the cage and acquire the Steroid Syringe.

The third Steroid Syringe in "Resident Evil 7" can be found in the Testing Area 1F. While you are progressing in this area, you will eventually come to a small room with a couple of tripwires in it. The room is so striking it is impossible to be missed. Once you enter the room, you will see a locker in front of you. Open to the locker and crouch down to get the Steroid Syringe located on the bottom shelf.

The final Steroid Syringe in "Resident Evil 7" can be found in the Salt Mines. When you get to the point, where you have to use the laptop to go back to the mansion, turn right and you will be able to see a couple of bathtubs. You can find the syringe is nestled between the bathtubs, says Gearnuke.

Resident Evil 7
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