March 31, 2025 18:18 PM

PlayStation 4 News & Update: Latest Free Games For February 2017!

Sony Interactive Entertainment recently announced the February 2017 list of free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Here is a rundown of what players can enjoy for free.

Free PS Plus games for PlayStation 4 owners include Little Big Planet 3 from Sony Interactive Entertainment. In addition, "Ninja Senki DX" from Tribute Games, and Devolver Digital's "Not a Hero" are free. "Starwhal" from Breakfall, and Active Gaming Media's "TorqueL" are also free for February 2017. The games such as "Starwhal," "Ninja Senki DX," and "TorqueL" are available on PS4 through cross-buy.

"LittleBigPlanet 3" is one of the most creative games on PlayStation. The game is full of platforming adventure and delight. After you have traveled around the Imagisphere, you can flex your creative muscle and bring your own imagination to life. You can also play as one of the millions of original designs from the LBP Community, says, PlayStation.

There are also free PS Plus games for PS3 owners. Players can get "Anna - Extended Edition" by Kalypso Media, and "Starwhal." "Ninja Senki DX," on the other hand and "TorqueL" are available for PlayStation Vita.

Gamers can also take advantage of the latest PSN weekly deals while they wait for the free PS Plus games, which include interesting offers. "Rise of the Tomb Raider" is on sale for $30, "Grand Theft Auto V" is on sale at for $30, and "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" is for sale at $42. Other games on sale include "Watch Dogs 2" for $40, and "Star Wars Battlefront" is for sale at $10. Games such as "Headmaster" and "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes" are also on sale at $14 and $10.49 respectively, reports, Gamespot.

The free PS Plus games would arrive once the PlayStation Store updates for the first time in February. Therefore, players can expect the free games on February 7.

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