March 10, 2025 21:24 PM

Original Creator Of Star Wars’ Iconic Opening Crawl Is Not Happy With Rogue One’s Gareth Edwards Prequel

A prequel to Episode IV: A New Hope, the film is the first of three planned anthology films that'll be released in the intervening years between new Star Wars sequels (an as-of-yet untitled Force Awakens follow-up will arrive next December). Due to the nature of this film - it's not billed as a Star Wars film but A Star Wars Story - LucasFilm made the bold decision to omit the logo, John Williams' classic score and the trademark opening crawl from Rogue One - a decision that Dan Perri, creator of the iconic opening crawl, was not happy with.

Metro says that the title designer is not impressed that the spin-off, which was released in cinemas last week, has decided to ditch the trademark crawl. Perri told Heat Vision: 'Frankly, it is a huge mistake because the image is so iconic and it's so important to tens of millions, hundreds of millions of fans.' Foolish as it might be director Gareth Edwards gave a very good reason why they decided not to include it in Rogue One - because many of the prequel's events are taken from A New Hope's opening crawl.

According to Independent UK, Edwards and his team of producers revealed the reason they decided against the opening crawl was because Rogue One's events are taken from the opening crawl of A New Hope - which, in its own way, makes complete sense.

Star wars, Lucasfilm, Rogue one
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