January 22, 2025 01:44 AM

'Overwatch' Update: Hero Symmetra Now More Powerful On PC, Xbox One, & PS4

Major changes have come to Overwatch hero Symmetra. The support character has now been freshly upgraded. The aggressive overhaul to Symmetra has now been revealed on the Overwatch Public Test Realm for PC, Xbox One, & PS4.

Blizzard has provided Overwatch's Symmetra with her second ultimate ability. She is now the first ever hero in Overwatch to possess two ultimates. Aside from the fact the she now has two ultimates, an old ability of hers has been replaced with a new one.

According to gaming website PC Gamer, Overwatch lead designer Jeff Kaplan mentions in an Overwatch Developer Update that Symmetra is seen as being overly situational. This means that players used her only for certain very specific roles and situations, even if they may have fun playing her.

Issues such as waiting a much too long period of time for cooldowns hamper the Overwatch hero. Players are frustrated with these quality of life issues. Those weaknesses needed to be tackled by Blizzard. To make a big difference on how the character is utilized, they decided to overhaul Symmetra.

Gaming website Polygon reported that significant developments to Symmetra were revealed. In a developer update video, game director Jeff Kaplan explained the different adjustments done to the Overwatch hero. Adjustments were made to Symmetra's turret weapon. Kaplan states that the most exciting modification to the character was to her ultimate abilities.

All heroes in Overwatch usually have only one ultimate ability. This is no longer the case. With the new update, Symmetra's abilities have been overhauled. Major changes were done to the Overwatch hero. According to gaming website GameSpot, Symmetra was given a new ability. Her current abilities weapon was tweaked. She was provided with the choice of a second ultimate ability.

Kaplan said that Symmetra was going to be the first Overwatch character to actually have a choice of ultimates. She can now choose between her Teleporter ability and her new ultimate ability, Shield Generator.

A new Photon Shield ability replaces Symmetra's old Photon Barrier ability. Blizzard gave the Overwatch hero a better capability to attack by increasing the range of her primary weapon, doubling the number of Sentry Turrets she can carry to six, and reducing the cooldown of those Sentry Turrets.

Overwatch, Blizzard
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