March 4, 2025 11:02 AM

'Watch Dogs 2' News: Sony PSN User Suspended For Posting Nudity From Ubisoft's Open World Game

A PlayStation Network user was somehow able to take a screenshot of a fallen female character's genitalia within Watch Dogs 2. He later shared the screenshot to his friends online and was summarily suspended by Sony for sharing explicit sexual content.

Adam, a UK QA tester, was able to procure a copy of Ubisoft's Watch Dogs 2. Adam wrote on NeoGAF with the username Goron2000, that playing through Watch Dogs 2, he accidentally blew up a few women in a back alley with a gas pipe when, to his surpise, he saw the offending portion of the body.

BBC News, technology website Ars Technica, and gaming website IGN, reported that he saw how Ubisoft had rendered a complete vagina on at least one of the female NPCs in the game, possibly on others as well. He took a screenshot of the exposed body part of the woman, who seemed to have worn crotchless panties, with the ingame camera and shared it on twitter using the PlayStation 4 Share feature, for his friends to see.

He also posted it to one of the Watch Dogs early release threads on NeoGAF. Later, he found out that he couldn't access any services while he was playing the game. When he tried to sign in, he was presented with a brief message that his account was suspended. He also received an email saying that his PlayStation Network account was suspended temporarily for breach of the service's code of conduct. The email went on say that the suspension would last for one week.

He was contacted again later by Sony that the suspension was extended to one month. The email from Sony stated that content of an adult or sexual nature is against the code of conduct. The PlayStation Network's terms of service makes it clear that sharing anything offensive or derogatory is considered a breach of the service agreement. The terms of service also states that further breach of the code of conduct may result in a longer suspension or even permanent ban.

Ubisoft later apologized for the explicit imagery. The Far Cry Primal publisher has promised to release an update very soon for Watch Dogs 2 to remove the offending feature. Ubisoft has not explained why the woman was rendered in that manner.

Sony later said, after receiving criticism from other players, that the email had been sent incorrectly and Adam's account had been unblocked. Sony still insists though that Adam had breached its terms of service.

Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft, PlayStation, Sony, Playstation 4
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