March 4, 2025 08:57 AM

The Best Seat on a Plane

Airlines are starting to charge for seat preferences. Some offer passengers the opportunity to specific seat for an extra fee. To some, sitting in a specific seat is a high priority, especially if the flight is going to be a long one. Some may be wondering what the best seat in the house, or plane, is.

It isn't in lucky row seven and the worst seat isn't in row 13.

According to a flight-comparison website Skyscanner, the most coveted set is 6A.

The website surveyed 1,000 people about their seat preferences. Participants were asked about their favorite section of a plane and whether they prefer a window or aisle seat. Skyscanner combined all the results and found that the up front window seat, 6A is the best seat on a plane.

The survey also answered the age old question of whether the window seat or aisle seat is better. At a ratio of 60: 40, they found that people prefer the window seat over the aisle seat.

The site also determined which seat is the worst or least preferred. They found that 31E, a middle seat near the back of the plane is the worst.

People have a preference for front seats because they don't have to pass so many rows when boarding or exiting the plane and these seats sometimes offer more leg room.

Airlines have caught onto the fact that people want to sit in certain seats, so they began charging extra for specific seat choice. Spirit Airlines and AirTran charge for advanced seating assignment, where passengers can pay extra for a seat they choose online. Southwest Airlines has an open policy where they charge $10 for the opportunity to check into a flight early and get a chance at a better seat a part of the first boarding group.

A TripAdvisor survey found that 40 percent of people would be willing to pay extra to sit in a "quiet section" of the plane and 35 percent of people would pay extra for a seat with more legroom on a flight over four hours.

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