February 23, 2025 07:22 AM

Articles by Carly Okyle

Carly Okyle

121-150 (out of 178)

Latest from this author

  • · Travel Tips

    Reasons to Love Travel

    Here's the upside to travelling. Travelling is expensive these days, and it can certainly be stressful. Some people might not like being in unfamiliar locations with traditions and foods that they don't understand.

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    Travelers are Sexy

    If you want more dates, get more stamps on your passport. A survey of Australian singles says that travelling increases your sex appeal. Intrepid Travel sponsored the survey of 880 singletons "down under" and an Australian dating site called RSVP.

  • · Leisure

    Celebrity Weddings: Top 5 Locations

    Popular spots for Hollywood's favorites to tie the knot. According to People magazine's website, R&B singer and the former Mr. Whitney Housten, Bobby Brown, has remarried.

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    Airline Fees Increase (Again!)

    Airlines hit passengers with more new fees. In yet another example of incredibly frustrating airline fees, airlines are now charging more for window and aisle seats.

  • · News

    Ryanair's Staff Loses Weight to Save Money

    Ryanair hopes to lighten up their planes by lightening the flight attendants, thereby saving money on gas.

  • · News

    Gray Line Raises Breast Cancer Research Funds and Awareness in New York City with Pink Tour Buses

    Pink tour buses from Gray Line New York will raise funds and awareness for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

  • · Travel Tips

    3 Tips to Fly Through Airport Security

    Make the trip to the gate a smoother one by keeping these tips in mind Lines at airport security could be long and frustratingly slow. To help speed the process along, remember these three easy tips.

  • · Travel Tips

    Surprising Etiquette Rules from Abroad

    Different countries have specific customs when it comes to eating. Knowing these for your next trip will save you embarassment and confusion

  • · Leisure

    Olympics 2012: Plan a European Escape

    If you want to take in Europe but stay out of the hype that comes with this summer's Olypic Games, check out these other European destinations.

  • · News

    Ultra Orthodox Jewish Group Advertises Manhattan's "Dangers" on Brooklyn Billboard

    A group of religious Jewish people in Brooklyn have taken out a billboard to advertise how dangerous Manhattan is, hoping to reach out to their more secular counterparts.

  • · News

    Dirtiest Hotel Surface is the TV Remote, Study Finds

    A recent study shows that television remotes in hotel rooms are highly contaminated with bacteria. By now, many people are aware that the top blanket of a hotel bed might not be the cleanest surface.

  • · Leisure

    Experience Downton Abbey with a Visit to Highclere Castle

    Highclere Castle, the real location for the fictional show Downton Abbey, is open for tours this summer.

  • · News

    Manliest Cities in America

    The fourth annual survey results of the Manliest Cities in America are in. Check them out. There are plenty of ways to decide where you'd like to live.

  • · News

    Sandusky, Ohio Embarrassed by Twitter Hash Tag

    In seeking to promote their town, tourism officials used #Sandusky on Twitter, putting their advertising in the middle of headlines related to the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse trial.

  • · News

    Scandal: TSA Fires Workers for Bribery

    Following an eight-month investigation into a bribery scandal, three workers have resigned and steps are being taken to fire the other seven.

  • · News

    Clayton Osbon, JetBlue Pilot, Will Stand Trial

    A judge ruled that the JetBlue pilot who ran screaming through the cabin is fit to face charges of interfering with a flight crew

  • · Leisure

    New Travel Craze: Boatels

    It's a hotel. It's a boat. It's a boatel. At the end of Pier 59 in New York, on docks underneath the JFK airports, there are floating hotels.

  • · Leisure

    Flying Stars: Celebrities Who Are Also Pilots

    These celebrities can fly their own planes when they're not too busy jet-setting. With successful careers, good looks, and all the money that those first two qualities afford them, Hollywood celebrities are pretty high-flying people.

  • · Leisure

    Celebrity Cab Drivers: Fact and Fiction

    Some celebrities had iconic roles as cabbies, but others were just trying to earn a living as cab drivers before their careers took off.

  • · News

    Southwest Airlines Says Customer was Dressed Inappropriately for a Flight

    Southwest Airlines embarrassed a large-breasted woman who was wearing a sundress on an early morning flight from Las Vegas

  • · Leisure

    5 Kinds of Travel We Wish Existed

    We can't travel like this just yet, but hopefully one day it'll become a possibility. Right now, we have some pretty great travel options. Driving is definitely an improvement over a horse-drawn carriage in terms of expediancy and airplanes, despite the ridiculous fees that come along with them, are a great way to cross oceans without putting yourself at the mercy of the sea.

  • · Leisure

    Cheap Flights Make Perfect Father's Day Gifts

    Make this Father's Day a memorable one by taking Dad away on cheap flights Rather than get Dad a tie (again) this year, get him a Father's Day present that he'll really love.

  • · News

    Carlsbad Caverns National Park: Secret Passages and Rooms Discovered

    A new group of passages, pits, and rooms in Carlsbad Caverns has been named Oz. When you've entered Oz, you're definitely not in Kansas anymore.

  • · Leisure

    Unique Tourist Attractions: Smiley Faced Water Towers

    Check out these friendly attractions on your next trip In fiction, the coolest water tower might just be the one that asked town members to “Save Ferris” in the John Hughes film Ferris Buellar’s Day Off.

  • · News

    Travel Light: American Airlines Lighten Their Load to Save Money

    To cut costs, American Airlines created lighter beverage carts Airlines are doing whatever they can to recoup the money their losing to high oil prices, whether that means charging $100 for checking a bag or adding a fee for families who want to make sure that their seats on the plane are together.

  • · News

    Subway Advertisements Get Creative

    Subway ads are appearing in new places and getting more eye-catching to commuters. It seems like no place is safe from marketing these days. Advertisements have expanded for commuters from the sides of busses and the tops of taxi cabs to televisions in the back of taxis and almost every square inch of the inside of a subway car.

  • · News

    Earthquake Safety Tips for Travelers

    A California earthquake Wednesday night had a magnitude of 4. Here’s how to protect yourself if your traveling to earthquake-prone places.

  • · News

    Nazi Beach Resort Gets Redone, Repurposed

    Originally intended for vacationers who agreed with the Third Reich's ideals, the Prora building in Germany is finally getting a new lease on life.

  • · Leisure

    Easy Staycation Tips

    Just because you can't get away doesn't mean you can't relax and recharge With gas prices and the cost of plane tickets being what they are, travel may not be possible this summer.

  • · Leisure

    Gay Couples Get Discount on Cancun Weddings

    Same-sex weddings come with a discount at a JW Marriott in Cancun. Last month, the government in Cancun legalized same-sex marriage. Now, The JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa is offering a special wedding package for same-sex couples who want to tie the knot, Marketwatch reports.

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