January 22, 2025 00:02 AM

Facebook turns ten and they have created something you’ll never forget

Facebook has finally turned ten this year, and their gratitude for their users has inspired the creation of one of the most special presents in history: your history on Facebook.

First, one has to log in to Facebook of course. A notification will afterwards prompt a user to review his / her history on the social networking site.

Users will witness a look back on some of the best highlights of the past years as a user of Facebook.

Some may see this as a marketing tool, but it is a reality that Facebook has become a way of life for many, if not all, of its users.

The Verge has this to say: "The videos are a bit cheesy, but are potent reminders that for many of us, Facebook has become a very normal way to document our daily lives,"

How did Facebook create this touching present? Their engineering team have been working hard these past few months to create what can be called your Facebook milestones. This included Everstore, working on media storage, and Moonshot, handling allocation of idle server power to whichever task demands high amount of data manipulation. They have worked intensely so that the video will only take 1 minute to view, whilst showing only the most important.

Leading the team is Nick Kwiatek, and he said "One of the things that motivated us was that there's really only a handful of companies that could take on something like this - that could render videos for as many people as we can,"

Founder Mark Zuckerberg also has this to say about the video: "It's been amazing to see how all of you have used our tools to build a real community. You've shared the happy moments and the painful ones. You've started new families, and kept spread out families connected. You've created new services and built small businesses. You've helped each other in so many ways."

Whether you're a hardcore Facebook user or not, this video will inspire you to take more pictures and create better memories, and of course practice discretion in posting anything in your account again.

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