Nowadays, property owners want to up their game. Whether you own a known villa on the outskirts or a small cabin in the woods, you want your business to be heard by people across town and attract potential tourists. It may be challenging for starters. How do you manage, especially when the competition is high? These are some of the essential tips to manage your vacation rental property:
Hire a Reliable Manager
Every business has one. In this case, it could be you as the owner himself, or someone else hired to do the job. The success of the establishment mostly lies on the property manager's capability to conduct business effectively and efficiently with the tenants.
One function of the manager is to be the primary contact person in the area. Whatever concerns of the tenants should be catered directly by him. Whether it ranges from queries regarding facilities to emergencies within the vicinity, the manager is to be the main person to address this.
Thus, it is necessary that not only is there a property manager, but that he is also a reliable one: trained and trustworthy. He should remain in contact with you at all times regarding the property's operations and its current status, to keep you in check as the owner.
Automate System Operations
It is the way to go especially in today's world of modern man. With technology making its leap, businesses are conducted via automation. This ranges from reservations to security measures. A good amount of businesses are already utilizing this, and there are plenty of justifiable reasons why. These are some to automate in your property:
People crave for instant service. In an instant world, everything is a fast track. Thus, make your property available for reservation on the internet aside from having a phone number. Include the manager's contact number and the rental's map directions.
It is also advisable to create a website for your rental property if possible. This makes it easier for you to track the tenants booked in your property, and for them to reserve and locate your property easily if it's still available for booking.
Facility Access
Tenants value their time too! Whatever their reason for staying, they want their time to be their own. To give them freedom, you may opt to use key cards for their rooms and other usable facilities so they can check-in and out anytime at their wish.
Since there is no assurance that somebody will occupy your property every time, you can monitor and safeguard your property regardless. Installing surveillance cameras and other security devices like motion alarms will help you monitor your property and update you if there is anything suspicious happening. Of course, it's best to inform tenants ahead so as not to invade their privacy.
To top these all, imagine yourself in the comfort of your own home, sipping your favourite coffee, doing your stuff while managing your business through your phone. Everything is wired directly to you, feeding you information on the current status of the property, who is renting, how many tenants, etc. - all that accounting. It makes your job a lot easier, with less to manage.
Hire a Professional Cleaning Company
Cleaning time for professional clean should always be a norm on your vacation property. As the property owner, part of what you want your property to be notable for would be its aesthetic. As they say, "cleanliness is next to godliness." If you want your tenants to feel like your place is heaven on earth, you need to invest in a good professional cleaning company.
Hire a professional cleaning service specializing in rental properties. Because cleaning services vary from furniture and carpets to facilities and overall, it is imperative to select the right cleaning company to do the job.
A commendable choice would be the company with the best reviews and an excellent track record when it comes to service. It is best then to do some research. Don't settle for less! Remember, these guys are called professionals for a good reason, and if it pays a little more, it's a little price to pay for beautification and a splendid review of your property.
They are familiar with cleaning windows, floors, walls, sinks- you name it. They know where exactly the dirt hides, and what to do with it. They also know what the tenants will most certainly notice, so it's also best to inquire with them further. Depending on how big the area is, it will range from a few hours if it's a cabin to an entire week if it's a villa. It is best to leave it to the experts for cost-breakdown of services.
Advertise the Rental
With everything accounted for, there is one last motion to direct your actions to: marketing your property! What better way to advertise your rental property than to market it on social media, the most active platform today.
Open up a page or a website complete with photos and a video presentation. This will definitely make your property noticeable. Invite your friends and others to share. Geotag the area on the map for it to be better noticed. It will define how successful your business will be.
Managing a rental property can be quite challenging. Following these guidelines will set your property apart from the others and grow a reputation for being the best in the area. Who knows, you might find yourself catching a break? Good luck.
This article is copyrighted by Travelers Today, the travel news leader