March 4, 2025 07:33 AM

Things To Consider When Traveling With a Pet

Woman in mountain with pet dog

What's more fascinating about travelling? Having your pet beside you for fun? Possibly!

Planning a trip alone is indeed a challenge, but if you involve your pet to the plan, it would be another thing to deal with earnestly. Where, when and how long the travel might be, aside from yourself, your best friend's welfare should be a top priority. To ensure the itinerary safe and sound, consider the following:

Make an Advance Research

Research ahead of the pet travel requirements and policies of your destination. Be informed that different countries vary pet immigration standards such as screening, vaccination, parasite testing and more. Navigate pertinent requirements and seek advice from your experienced acquaintances.

Preparing your Pet for the Travel

Rehearse with your pet. Check on how much distance it could sustain when travelling if your pet has never been on a long journey before. Make everything familiar to the pet.

Make sure to have the right carrier for your pet. Know that the shape and smell of the carrier contribute to the comfort of your pet. Allow ample time your pet to get used in advance its carrier which you will use during the trip. Provide absorbent beddings, appropriate feeding materials and the like. For identification purposes, label it with the pet's required information and owner's contact.

Traveling via Plane with your Pet

Before getting on a plane, find a space where your pet can spend an ample round of exercise. Some airports have pet relief area, you can bring your pet there. The flight might be fatiguing for them so encourage the pet to give out extra energy to tolerate it and go through.

If travelling on a plane, it is highly recommended to have your pet fly with you on the cabin. As per studies, cargo areas are unsafe for pets. Costly as it may seem, you need to make reservations for there are few spots allocated inside the plane unless yours is a service pet. You can always seek for assistance on the airlines' staff inside. Note that the sizes and breeds of pet allowed are limited, and some aviation companies does not allow pets to travel.

Having a Pet on a Roadtrip

If on a road trip by car, always secure the pet's head inside the window. Make sure that your pet is used to the car. It is a must to keep the pet in the back seat with a secure seatbelt. Keep the windows' sunroof closed to avoid them from escaping. It is ideal for traveling the pet with a crate or kennel to avoid unfamiliar places that may stimulate threats. Familiar smells from home and its favorite toys can help the pet relax.

Observe appropriate pet safety precautions while travelling. During the travel, it is suggested to avoid the pet to eat. A little water is okay. In case of emergency, have a complete first-aid kit. Secure the location of the nearest veterinarian clinics closest to your destination. Attach an extra bag of food outside the carrier in case of major delays and emergencies.

Check in to a hotel where it is not just budget-friendly but also pet-friendly. Not all hotels permit pet and those that do usually charge an extra fee per night, per animal. Take note that even if the hotel is pet-friendly, the animal could not act as if they are home. Remember to adhere to hotel protocols.

Do not leave your pet inside a car, in a hotel or wherever you stay during the vacation. When in doubt, it is best to leave your pet at home with a trusted sitter.

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