March 6, 2025 22:28 PM

Support Floods London After Terrorist Attack

After the terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge in London that left five peopled dead and several more injured, people all over the world started showing their support. After the incident, several people have been posting encouraging messages for the families of the victims and other London residents.

The hashtag, #WeAreNotAfraid, have been blowing up London's social media and in other countries as well. All over London, people have been leaving messages on sign boards to show resilience and that even though what happened was tragic, it will only make them stronger.

Other foreign public leaders and officials have also offered their support as well. In a statement, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: "On behalf of all Canadians, I offer our full support to Prime Minister May and to the people of the United Kingdom. "

"We stand ready to offer all possible assistance to the British government, to do what we can to bring to justice those responsible for this heinous act. Canadians stand united with the British people in the fight against terrorism. We will continue to work together with the U.K. and all our allies to show the world that freedom and democracy will always triumph."

But there is one encouraging signboard message that even UK Prime Minister Theresa May praised as a "wonderful tribute." It says, "All terrorists are politely reminded that THIS IS LONDON and whatever you do to us we will drink tea and jolly well carry on. Thank-you."

The picture of the sign has been widely spread throughout social media and citizens have been applauding its wittiness. However, it was discovered that the sign was actually a fake and that it was only generated by an online meme generator called Tube Sign.

Nevertheless, the people of London wants to show the world that whatever troubles they may face, they are strong and aren't easily deterred by terrorists. Up to the present several encouraging messages are still being shared on the web.

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