March 31, 2025 19:03 PM

'Mass Effect: Andromed' Latest News: Selecting Commander Shepherd's Gender Will Affect The Story; Ryder Guide & More

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" will release in about a month. According to Bioware, the game story depends on the gender you choose for Commander Shepard.

In the "Mass Effect: Andromeda" game, the character creator will allow you to choose the gender of the game's main character Commander Shepard. Whatever you choose for the character's gender will be referenced by the story. In addition, your character, which is one of the Ryder twins, will be affected by the training options you can also choose. It was revealed during a recent preview event conducted by EA and BioWare where the press got hands-on time with "Mass Effect Andromeda," says Game Informer.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" Commander Shepard's

According to PCGamesn, they have discovered the same on their recent hands-on session with "Mass Effect: Andromeda." They noted that among the options for Ryder's gender, appearance, name, and training was a section to select Shepard's background. Shepard will be referenced in "Mass Effect: Andromeda," most likely only in as much as the game's codex and probably in dialogue.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" Commander Ryder

In the upcoming "Mass Effect: Andromeda," Ryder's training decides your initial abilities. There are six options in the game namely Security, Biotic, Technician, Leader, Scrapper, and Operative. The majority of these are the same to the old starting classes. In "Mass Effect: Andromeda," operatives begin with a tactical cloak and are basically Infiltrators. On the other hand, Scrappers, who begin with the biotic charge power and several points in combat fitness, are the closest to Vanguards.

Furthermore, Leaders are complex to place as they begin with energy drain and a new skill called team support. This apparently enables access to special tech to keep squad survivability. Moreover, in "Mass Effect: Andromeda," initial training will not limit your future build. You can get skills from any of combat, biotics and tech categories. The only restraint is that some key skills entail prior investment in that category.

Mass Effect Andromeda
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