March 31, 2025 18:12 PM

'Dark Souls 3': Mystery Of The Pesky Crabs Infesting The Game

Crabs infest "Dark Souls 3". Until now, players are still mystified at the purpose of crabs in the game.

Dark Souls 3 has massive crabs and fans are left to wonder why. The game series acclaimed for its attention to detail. It is also a game, which tells its stories almost purely through the world and character design. With that, you will really wonder why there are large crabs roaming around.

Crabs In "Dark Souls 3"

In "Dark Souls 3," the Crucifixion Woods is depicted as a gaseous decaying swamp silently portraying a story of spiritual practice which has gone heretical. The place is loitered with the dead folks, crucifixes, and distorted lycanthropes. A shallow pool covers the center in the heart of the woods. Great Crabs patrol the water and wacking their lips time and again.

The crabs can also be found in the Catacombs in the Smouldering Lake in "Dark Souls 3." The chaos flame of the place is fading, and so the demons it created are fading with it. It is a big magic candle someone powerful lit a long time ago that accidentally made hell.

In addition, in the "Dark Souls 3" Ashes of Ariandel DLC, crabs were also present. The place is a frozen wasteland pocket universe the forsaken call home, these crabs wander the icy plain at the bottom of a crevasse.

Theories About "Dark Souls 3" Crabs

One theory about "Dark Souls 3" crab that seems to have significance is that of IAmKickSix. His theory paints a connection between where the player found the crabs and the place where they meet the powerful characters. These characters found the Souls of Lords during the first flame prior to the original Dark Souls, which led to the creation of man.

According to PC Gamer, From Software, in partnership with Darksign, is attempting to arouse an apocalypse event in "Dark Souls 3," in an implicit, almost subconscious way by getting inspirations from popular mythologies. And these pesky roaming crabs are a manifestation of it.

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