March 31, 2025 18:53 PM

Unlimited Plans Comparison of Verizon VS. T-Mobile VS. AT&T VS. Sprint; Who Offers Best?

Verizon has announced this week that they are offering their unlimited plans once again. This now makes all four major mobile carriers in the US advertise unlimited plan offers.

It is clear to anybody that despite the mobile carriers' claim, none of these plans allows you to use an endless amount of LTE data across the board without penalties. Each carrier instead warns that your speed may be slowed down if you reach a certain amount of data in a month and live in a congested area. This prioritization is unclear as to how it is determined. In addition, each plan limits what you can do with the unlimited data when it comes to things like mobile hotspots and international usage among others.

Unlimited Plans Cost

Verizon has an introductory unlimited plan, which is $80 a month for one smartphone line. The company charge $140 a month for two lines, $162 a month for three lines, and $180 a month for four lines. You can use data on both smartphones and tablets for plans with multiple lines.

On the other hand, T-Mobile offers $70 a month for one line. The company charge $120 a month for two lines, $140 a month for three lines, and $160 a month for four lines. T-Mobile will run a limited-time promotion starting February 17 in which two lines of service will cost $100 a month.

At present, Sprint has a current promotion in which one line costs $50 a month for new customers. For those who want two to five lines are charged $90 a month. This current promotion will last until March 31, 2018, at which time you will have to pay the regular price.

Meanwhile, AT&T charge $100 a month for one line. The company will charge $40 a month for every additional smartphone. If you happen to add your fourth line, AT&T will progressively reimburse that line in a form of monthly credits after paying two billing cycles.

Verizon, At&t
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