October 4, 2024 23:22 PM

'Dawn of War 3' Latest News & Update: All The Game's Confirmed & Speculated Units So Far

"Dawn of War 3" is scheduled to be released this 2017 and it is but proper to get to know the units before the official launch to start the game strong. Here are the confirmed and speculated units that will be in the upcoming game.

In "Dawn of War 3," three factions meet on soon-to-be war-torn battlefields and beat the hell out of each other for the rest of time. The game will have Base-building, which means properly-sized armies are also back.

"Dawn of War 3" Space Marine Units

In "Dawn of War 3" Space Marine Units are power armor booted and suited servants of Mankind's Emperor. This unit fits an all-purpose role in "Dawn of War 3." They are stronger than Eldar, and fewer than Orks. Space Marine units, however, can withstand to take a punch in close combat. In addition, they are well-verse in using technology, and the anomalous massive explosion, to get the job done. Their special abilities include Death From Above, which enables the use of Drop Pods and Thunderhawks to deliver units directly to the field.

In 'Dawn of War 3," Drop Pods disseminate troops where they land, and everything else comes with the benefit of having your new army right there and then. In addition, Space Marine Units have the Super Orbital Bombardment Ability, which summons a beam of space-death from space, destroying anything it touches.

"Dawn of War 3" Space Marine Super Units

Imperial Knight Solaria, which belongs to the Space Marine Super Units, are the Imperium's heaviest hitter. They are a range-focused massive walker, spitting out damage at a horrendous rate and able to take quite a beating before going down. PCGamesn notes that their abilities include Gattling Barrage, which is a 90 degree conal AOE in front of Solaria that does massive anti-infantry damage across two waves. They also have Ironstorm Missiles composed of six targetable missiles that creates large explosive damage at the target area.

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