March 31, 2025 19:03 PM

Humble Freedom Bundle Latest Deals Include 'Stardew Valley,' 'The Witness' & Others To Support ACLU, The IRC, and MSF

Humble Bundle announces another set of deals dubbed as Humble Freedom Bundle. This latest offering includes "The Witness," "Invisible Inc," "Stardew Valley" and many others to benefit the ACLU and other organizations.

Humble Bundle has provided PC gamers the venue to support a good cause while getting a massive variety of games in the process. Humble Freedom Bundle is now offering a multitude of excellent games to benefit numerous organizations for the sake of Freedom. The organizations that will be benefited by the Humble Freedom Bundle includes the American Civil Liberties Union, International Rescue Committee, and Doctors Without Borders. 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit the supported organizations. Moreover, humble will match contributions from purchases of the Humble Freedom Bundles by up to $300,000 in total.

The games included in the Humble Freedom Bundle are "The Witness," "Stardew Valley, "Subnautica" (Early Access) and "Day of the Tentacle Remastered." Early Access of "Overgrowth," "Nuclear Throne" and "Octodad: Dadliest Catch" are included in the latest Humble deal. In addition, games like "Invisible, Inc.," "Super Meat Boy," "World of Goo" and "Mushroom 11" are included as well, says Dual Shockers.

Moreover, the Humble Freedom Bundle included the games such as "No Time to Explain Remastered," "The Stanley Parable," and "Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP." "Super Hexagon," "VVVVVV," "Information Doesn't Want To Be Free" (Audiobook) are also in the latest deal. Moreover, other titles in the Humble Freedom Bundle includes "Walkaway: Chapter One Preview" (Audiobook), "R in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition" and "Guacamelee!: Super Turbo Championship Edition."

Games like "The Swapper," "Thirty Flights of Loving," "Spirits and Human Resource Machine" also belong to this latest Humble deals. Other games included are "ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS," "The Boys Vol.1: The Name of the Game" and "A Little Gold Book of Ghastly Stuff. " Moreover, "Any Empire," "2064: Read Only Memories," "A Virus Named TOM," "7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat," and "Mini Metro" also take part in the latest Humble Freedom Bundle. For a complete list of games included in the deal, you may visit the Humble Bundle website. For those who are interested in donating directly to the organizations benefited by this latest deal, the website also offers a link where donors can visit the organizations directly.

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