March 31, 2025 18:53 PM

'Pokemon GO' Latest News & Update: Valentine's Day Update, Changed Egg Hatching Mechanics

The latest "Pokemon GO" Valentine's Day update has brought a lot of changes to the game. This includes implementing a change in the "Pokemon GO" egg-hatching mechanic.

The latest "Pokemon GO" Valentine's Day update will surprise players as some egg chart changes were implemented. The update as confirmed by most players has Pokemon hatch from eggs sooner. Redditor Phantom Journey shared these discoveries on the recent changes.

"Pokemon GO" Valentine's Day update brought unnoticed changes one of which is that essentially, the whole tier system has changed. Many Pokémon in "Pokemon GO" have migrated out of the 5km egg category into the 2km category. In addition, there are a few 10kms have moved to the 5km tier.

The Pokemon that migrated from 5km to 2km as brought by "Pokemon GO" Valentine's Day update includes Abra, Bellsprout, and Cubone. In addition, Diglett, Ekans, Exeggecute, Ghastly, Goldeen, Krabby and Machop have also moved to 2 km. Moreover, Pokemon such as Nidoran, Oddish, Seel, Slowpoke, Venonat, and Voltorb are now included in the 2km category.

Meanwhile, There are also Pokemon that migrated from 10km to 5km as brought by the latest "Pokemon GO" Valentine's Day update. The list includes Drowzee, Onix, and Pichu. Pinsir, Psyduck, and Sandshrew also migrated to a lower tier. Moreover, Scyther, Tangela, and Togepi now belong to the 5km tier instead of 10km. In the 10km tier, removing even just three frequently hatched Pokémon, Onix, Pinsir, and Scyther, allows players a better chance at getting the truly good hatches in 10km, Snorlax, Lapras, Dratini, Aerodactyl. Those moved Pokemon increase your chances of getting one of those from a 10km egg should go up by about a third, says Forbes.

Niantic does not yet confirm the latest change in egg-hatching mechanics brought about by "Pokemon GO" Valentine's Day update. If these changes are permanent or just product of a bug is still uncertain. It, however, feels wrong, for Niantic to change the game back given these nice changes.

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