March 5, 2025 22:25 PM

'Dota 2' Latest News & Update: 7.02 Gameplay Update Brings Lycan To Captain's Mode; Multiple Hero Changes; Adjustments; Rebalancing & More

Valve released "Dota 2" 7.02 gameplay update, which produced hundreds of changes mostly directed at hero talents. There are also loads of other changes brought by the latest patch including items, wards, and more.

"Dota 2" 7.02 Gameplay Update General Changes

With the latest "Dota 2" 7.02 Gameplay Update, Shrines are now vulnerable after a T3 tower dies instead of after all T2 towers die. In addition, Sentry Wards now come in packs of 1 for 100 gold instead of 2 for 200. Most importantly, it added Lycan to Captain's Mode. Observer Wards now have a Fog of War simulator to show you the area the ward will reveal with the consideration of trees and terrain height. Furthermore, Meat Hook, Telekinesis and Toss abilities now cause neutrals to temporarily not draw aggro.

The latest "Dota 2" 7.02 Gameplay Update also made the Dire ward spot to the left of the Ancients to no longer gives vision over the rune area in front of Roshan. In addition, it shifted down the spawn box for the ancient camp in the Dire secondary jungle, therefore, a high groundward does not anymore block the camp. It also fixed a rare case where Dire ancients could be stuck between trees when spawning.

"Dota 2" 7.02 Gameplay Update Hero Changes

The latest "Dota 2" 7.02 Gameplay Update sees hundreds of hero rebalances. Player favorite Lone Druid gets a buff to the Spirit Bear armor while takes a few hits in terms of talents, says WWG. Abaddon level 10 talent is increased to +20 percent, Alchemist level 15 Talent is changed from +15 Movement Speed to +80 Unstable Concoction Damage. Other hero changes are applied as well to Bounty Hunter. Its Scepter now increases Shuriken Toss mini stun duration from 0.1 to 0.75, while his level 110 talent gained to 20 percent XP.

For a complete list of hero changes brought by "Dota 2" 7.02 Gameplay Update, you may refer to the game's official website. We will update you with more "Dota 2" information, news, and events as well as updates.

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