February 23, 2025 01:28 AM

Five Essential Tips For Traveling Insomniacs

Traveling and having a tendency to be sleepless is never a good recipe for going on adventures. Without proper energy recharge points in life, travelers could not maximize the enjoyment and experience of their vacation. Luckily, there are five ways to guarantee sleep while on the road.

Lights are the most important thing to ensure sleep during travel. Bring along an eyemask to help combat jetlag post-flight. While in-flight, sleeping with less lights or visual stimulants helps entirely.

This goes without saying that bringing along soothing music helps. The Savvy Insomniac agrees that noise control is most important even when staying in silent accommodations. Invest in a detailed, noise-cancelling pair of headphones and pack an audio device full of ambient noises including beaches, swaying trees or even snow. These help condition the mind that it is time to rest and relax.

According to Road Warrior Tips, to fall asleep during travel, it would be best to bring along moisturizers and anything else that would prevent insect bites or allergies from acting up. These disrupt sleep and could introduce unnecessary adrenaline making it more difficult for insomniacs to sleep.

Drinking is a way for some travelers to relax their nerves for sleep. However, severe inebriation could lead to disrupted sleep with occasional vertigo, inertia and possible vomiting while on the road -- which could be disruptive to other passengers. At least three hard drink shots can help relax the nerves -- at least a bottle of beer before sleeping is also advisable.

Lastly, insomniacs often find their minds active during the night pondering random subjects and aspects, which engage their mental activity with a tired mind into further exhaustion. Insomniacs could choose to try different sleeping exercises, such as counting numbers, building nonsensical sentences and anything that could mentally inhibit them from exploring further topics they think about during sleep.

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