March 4, 2025 20:30 PM

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Odds: Fan Poll Predicts First Death Of The Season

"Game of Thrones" is well-known for its thrilling plot with full of lies, deceits, and betrayals. It is full of blood and death which is a normal thing where heroes and villains alike die in the most gruesome ways imaginable. With Season 7 nearing its long-awaited premier, one of the hottest subject is who will be the first to meet his or her demise.

Ten thousand fans of the hit HBO series was asked on Facebook about who will be the first to die once the first episode of Season 7 hits the TV screens. According to Sports Betting Experts, fans polled Reek or Theon Greyjoy garnering 14.22 percent of the votes as the main character who will first bite the dust in Season 7. Placing in the distant second is the 'Red Woman', Melisandre with 8 percent of the votes.

They are followed by the 'Onion Knight', Ser Davos Seaworth and Jorah 'The Andal' Mormont with 7.23 and 7.11 percent respectively. On the other hand, the safest characters as per the fans are Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen and Mr. You Know Nothing, Jon Snow. If the fans are right, Theon will not be around to see who will sit on the Iron Throne.

Alfie Allen, who played Theons part, gave a few teaser regarding the future fate of his character this coming Season 7. He said that Theon will still be anxious and full of fear which through the season will develop into rage. That said, we can assume that Theon will be safe in the first part of the season. However, with Ramsay gone, there may not be much more role for Theon other than to die.

Aside from the character's death there are other mini polls about who will be the first to face Arya's wrath, the nature of the first death and the religion of the final ruler of Westeros. As per Entetainment Weekly, the first blood will be coming from a White Walker while Arya's first kill of the Season will be Thoros of Myr. Finally, the fans decided that the final ruler of the seven kingdoms will have Valyria as his or her religion.

There will be a few more months until "Game of Thrones" Season 7 premiers its bloody glory. HBO confirmed that Season 7 will premier sometime in the summer of this year.

Game of thrones, Game of Thrones Season 7
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