There are a lot of counterfeit goods all over the world but no one does it better than China. China is no doubt one of the best tourist destinations in the world with its rich culture and natural attractions, however, it's also known for its brand imitations. Here are some of the hilarious brand counterfeits travelers spotted in China.
Sharpie VS Skerple
People think that brand counterfeits are only applied to gadgets, clothing and restaurants but even the marker brand Sharpie isn't an exception. According to the Daily Mail, one of the hilarious brand counterfeits travelers spotted in China is the fake counterpart Skerple.
Superman VS Specialman
Superman already has some superpowers that are out of this world but according to boredpanda, there's someone even more special and his name is Specialman. He really looks like Superman but he's way more special.
Olay VS Okay
If you're not satisfied with your current shampoo brand, then maybe Okay is for you. Ranker included this brand counterfeit at number four in its list of craziest Chinese counterfeit products.
New Balance VS New Barlun
If you're a fan of New Balance shoes but can't really afford one, why not try getting a pair of New Barlun trainers instead. You can get them way cheaper at just $25.
Sonic the Hedgehog VS Harry Potter Obama
Harry Potter Obama is could be the worst counterfeit ever. Sonic the Hedgehog probably isn't happy with his name anymore.
Beats by Dr.Dre VS Deats by Dr.Nani
Beats by Dr.Dre has been at the top of the list when it comes to audio devices but Deats by Dr.Nani appears to be catching up. But the big question that almost everyone is asking is who is Dr. Nani?
So that's just a few of the hilarious brand counterfeits travelers spotted in China. There are more out there and maybe when you visit China, you can take pictures and have a good laugh.
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