March 9, 2025 17:55 PM

5 Types Of Annoying Passengers People Will Encounter During Flights

Flights are already stressful but what adds to that stress are those annoying passengers that you will see during flights. These people are always present and they come in different forms. Here's a list of the 5 types of annoying passengers that you will encounter during flights in descending order.

Rear Seat Kicker

Not only are these rear seat kickers present in movie theaters but they're also present during flights. According to CNN, these annoying passengers are on the top of the list of the 5 types of annoying passengers. In fact, according to a study by Expedia Airplane Etiquette Study, the rear seat kickers were number one since 2014 and they topped inattentive parents, seat recliners and aromatic passengers.

Inattentive Parents

Inattentive parents are second on the list of the 5 types of annoying passengers. Kids will always be kids and you can't really expect them to stay still and keep quiet during a long flight. However, there are parents who just don't care about controlling their kids. Backpackertravel reported that these parents would just let their kids run around without even caring if the people around them are annoyed.

Aromatic Passengers

Aromatic passengers are third on the list. According to Quartz, these passengers aren't really annoying but their odor or smell is so strong that you just can't handle sitting near them. It's either bad odor or strong perfumes that include them in the annoying passengers list.

Audio Insensitive

Who are these people? These passengers play their music players so loud without even caring about the sleeping passengers in the plane. They could also be people who talk at the top of their lungs. These people are just plain insensitive.

The Boozers

It's just common sense not to drink too much when on a flight because you're going to cause the staff and your fellow passengers so much trouble. However, boozers are pretty common during flights.

If you're planning to fly maybe this week or this month, you might want to keep an eye for these 5 types of annoying passengers. You can't really avoid them but you can at least prepare yourself.

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