March 3, 2025 19:23 PM

US Flight Cancellations And Mismanaged Or Lost Luggage At All-Time Low In 2016 - Better Days Ahead

Some really great news are hitting the airlines, as there are relatively fewer reasons now for passenger to gripe, with lost bags being a thing of the past with better technology and system in place.

All-Time Low On Flight Cancellations And Missing Luggage. Right now, U.S. airlines are enjoying good publicity with reportedly having an all-time low stats of 2.02 reported abused or missing luggage per 1,000 passengers back in November; this is recent data coming from the Department of Transportation which has been documenting reports on lost luggage for over 30 years now.

The agency also releases air travel reports monthly, one just recently released Tuesday, which remarkably showed that U.S. flight cancellations were low, with the airline grounding to around 0.29 percent of all their domestic flights schedules for November - which is said to be the lowest in 20 years.

More so, U.S. carriers have also reported having on-time arrivals with an impressive rate of 86.5 percent in November which is quite a huge improvement as compared to October and in November 2015. United Airline reported abused or lost bags to have dropped to 1.93 for every 1,000 passenger from its stats in November 2015 of 2.44. More so, the Chicago-based carrier also has an improved flight cancellation rate of 0.3 percent and on-time arrival rate of 86.1 percent.

Trouble In Paradise Reclaimed For U.S. Carriers. Some problems though were reported by United Airlines which incurred around 19 delays in over two hours in November; which is why this has been tagged as the second-worst amongst U.S. airlines. In 2010, Transportation Department enacted a rule which allows passengers to get off within three hours of landing or boarding time for domestic flights.

For violations, there would be a fine amounting to $27,500 per passenger. There is only one animal death reported for both American Airlines and United Airlines in November.

The 12 biggest or giant airlines in the US have reportedly canceled only 0.29 percent of flights in November which shows to having the lowest rate ever since the government has started monitoring flight cancellations starting 1995. Also, the carriers reportedly mishandled or lost only 2.02 bags for every 1,000 passengers which is recorder to be the lowest since 1987.

This dramatic improvement with fewer flight cancellations and better management of luggage is said to be the result of better-planned flights, integrating up-to-date aviation technology, and reliability as well as precision in management of day-to-day operations. Another feather on the top U.S. airlines' caps indeed - the challenge then from now, is how they will be able to maintain that level of confidence moving forward.

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