March 4, 2025 11:18 AM

'Homeland' Season 6 Update: Brody Will Fill The Void Left By Quinn; Series Will Explore Wounded Soldiers

The American political thriller television series, "Homeland" recently announced its renewal for season six. The upcoming sixth season of the said TV series is scheduled to premiere on January 15 on Showtime Network. Reports stating that Brody will fill the void left by Quinn in season 6. In fact, the showrunners claimed that series will explore wounded soldiers on its comeback.

As shown on its previous episodes, Quinn was seen in the back of the truck tied up with canisters of chemical weapon. After what happened to him, someone put him inside a gas chamber to be a test subject for the effectiveness of their gas composition. He seems to die in the gas chamber, but was found alive and is taken to the hospital for treatment.

As Rupert Friend's character is in a comatose state, certain reports state that the storylines of the upcoming sixth season will focus on Damian Lewis character. Lewis character in the hit Showtime's TV series is Sergeant Brody who becomes a Congressman after he failed the mission. According to the report from Screen Crush, Brody will somewhat fill the void left by Quinn. In fact, the said site also states that the series will explore wounded soldiers.

On a recent interview of the showrunner Alex Gansa with Entertainment Weekly, she revealed that Quinn's new storyline is a callback to the show and Brody is the focus on the first episode of "Homeland" Season 6. In fact, Gansa and executive producer Howard Gordon talked about the said 'soldier scenes.'

"One of the very first ideas, executive producer Howard Gordon and I had when we talked about "Homeland"., she said. "There was no show on television dramatizing the return of our soldiers from Iraq and Afganistan. So now we really get to watch a true causality of the war on terror."

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