March 29, 2025 11:11 AM

Top 5 Amazing Facts About Lebanon

Lebanon is one of the few places that brazenly carried the nickname "God's country on earth". Despite the grandstanding moniker, there are a number of facts that somehow justify this Middle Eastern nation's extraordinary appeal. Here are the following amazing facts about Lebanon worth noting for curious prospective tourists:

This... Is... Byblos!

Anyone knows that the Bible remains the oldest top-selling anthology of human struggles, albeit presented from the Judeo-Christian and Islamic perspectives. Interestingly, only one ancient city carries the namesake of humanity's most significant and compelling literary volume - and it is located in Lebanon. If that is not cool enough, Byblos is still arguably the oldest existing community on the planet (roughly 7,000 years old).

Middle Eastern Vegan Capital

As mentioned in an article previously featured in Travel Today, Lebanon is one of the top 5 vegan centers of the world. Lying at the heart of the Fertile Crescent, this country's staple dishes are largely comprised of its fresh agricultural produce.

The First Christian Wedding

Although Jerusalem remains to be the core destination of Christian pilgrimage since medieval times (for better or worse), Lebanon somehow steals a fractional limelight with one of its holy sites. The ancient town of Qana (Cana) is the venue of Jesus Christ's arguably most awesome miracle - turning water into wine. Hence, the Wedding at Cana was the first official Christian marriage - the only one that occurred in Jesus Christ's lifetime.

The world's Best Bar!

Speaking of 'turning water into wine,' perhaps it was no accident that Lebanon created what many would describe as the world's best bar. Tourists from Europe and other parts of the country flock in Beirut's Skybar since its phenomenal opening in 2008. One can only wonder if Skybar can retain its titular reputation in its 10-year anniversary next year.

Land of Bankers, Doctors & Journalists

To say that Lebanon is a country of accomplished professionals seem like a gross understatement. Including in the top 5 amazing facts about Lebanon is that this country has 1 doctor out of 10 civilians, a total of 100 banks (excluding their branches), and the ownership of 70% of the Arab world's publications.

Side Note: Keanu Reeves was born in Beirut.... Just saying... Stay tuned here in Travelers Today for more travel news!

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