March 9, 2025 09:37 AM

Top 5 Awesome Skills You Can Learn In Mongolia

Mongolia seemed like an unlikely place to offer useful knowledge which you can bring back home. But contrary to popular impression, there are a number of things you can practice during your long stay in Mongolia. The top 5 list of awesome skills in this article is arranged from the most intriguing to the most basic of skills.

Skill 1: Throat Singing

If there is any completely unique skill which you can learn mostly from Mongolia, it is their traditional throat singing. Better known as the Tuvan music in the Siberian borders, throat singing emphasizes 'overtones' - a monotonous guttural drone simultaneously pulsating with a high-pitched flute-like whistle. Just like any New Age music, Tuvan provides relaxing entertainment without poetic lyrics or musical instruments.

Skill 2: Brewing Cheese Liquor

For an environment that has a climate plunging below freezing temperatures from November to April, one can always wonder how they brew their liquor. Interestingly, Mongolian men have been drinking dairy moonshine since the time of Genghis Khan. Tourists venturing the steppes can learn how to brew 'kumis' from knowledgeable nomadic housewives.

Skill 3: Archery and Bow Crafting

As one of the top 3 manly skills, archery has been the mainstay of the Mongolian military until the introduction of gunpowder by Cossack neighbors. Although archery and bow craftsmanship has been relegated to traditional purposes, it still remains the deadliest weapon of its kind. One can learn how to craft the Mongol composite bow from several workshops in Dulaankhaan province.

Skill 4: Horsemanship

In most modern countries, learning how to ride a horse is optional. But in Mongolia, it's as crucial as an infant learning how to walk. As one of the top 3 manly skills in Mongol tradition, equestrian races are the primary educational requirement from children ages 6 to 15. Adults learn basic equine veterinary skills the way ordinary men learn to fix their car.

Skill 5: Wrestling

If there is one crucial (not to mention fun) skill one can learn in Mongolia, it is the art of wrestling. Of all 3 manly skills in Mongol tradition, 'Bok' virtually embodies all important values one can learn in athletic group activities. Bok is a grueling regimen but it is effective enough to be used as a basic self-defense.

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