March 31, 2025 18:39 PM

Downgrading From iOS 10.2 To 10.1.1 Not Possible Anymore: Apple Stops Jailbreaking Older iOS Versions!

As recently announced by French hacker Luca Todesco, in order to successfully and easily jailbreak iOS devices, the version needs to be iOS 10.1.1 or lower otherwise, it would almost be impossible to crack them. Apple is quick enough to counter this by not signing iOS 10.1.1 versions no more.

According to the most recent update from 9to5Mac, Apple is making things significantly harder for those people who aim to break their devices' limitations and security via jailbreaking. This is more apparent for those who have mistakenly updated their iOS versions to the latest 10.2.

According to MacRumors, after Apple stops signing older versions of iOS, users won't be able to downgrade their devices. Worse case scenario, this will put their devices into some serious security issues and potential problems. More than it helps prevent security problems, it causes a bigger concern for those who got stuck with iOS 10.2 and wish to jailbreak their devices after the news about Todesco's jailbreak tool came out.

The upcoming jailbreak tool or exploit is now being prepared by Luca Todesco, which will be using the Project Zero Exploits in order to release a fully working iOS 10 jailbreaking solution. This is believed to be getting released soon enough and the hacker specifically instructs people to avoid iOS 10.2 at all costs.

For those who are still at iOS 10.1.1, they can rest easy and should just wait patiently for the latest update regarding Todesco's exploit. At the moment, the only solution in rolling back to an earlier iOS version for those who are now updated to iOS 10.2 is by using a tool called TinyUmbrella.

If all else fails, the only option left for those who still wants to jailbreak their device to install unapproved iOS apps is by using Cydia alternatives like Mojo or TweakBox. These tools require no jailbreak and despite not being a better option than Cydia, a number of useful apps and emulators are still available with them.

IOS jailbreak, IOS
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