March 28, 2025 20:30 PM

Capcom Will Be Releasing The Entire 'Megaman' 1 To 6 NES Series On Android and iOS! Here's The Release Date

Capcom has just announced the release of the entire 8-bit "Megaman" NES series on both Android and iOS next year. "Megaman" 1 to 6 will be released for mobile users in Japan on January 6, 2017, but there is still no confirmation from the legendary video game developer on whether or not they will release the games globally to the Western market.

The "Megaman" series is one of the most popular and iconic action platformers of all time and is notorious for its difficulty. Players take control of the Blue Bomber who is known in Japan as "Rockman" who must fight its way through each level against a variety of enemies and boss characters. The first six games of the series were released from 1987 to 1993 on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Despite the series' unforgiving difficulty, gamers have considered the original 8-bit "Megaman" games to be an all-time classic, and have been given praise to the enemy and non-linear game design, crisp controls, and fast-paced action-packed gameplay, all of which were innovative during their time. Based on a screenshot provided by Capcom in a press release, the games will still be using their original 4:3 ratio and the remaining free space on-screen will be used for the buttons and virtual directional pad.

The games' visuals and gameplay will both remain the same, which should provide old school gamers with plenty of nostalgia trips. In an earlier report by the Tech Times, Capcom announced their plans to release and bring back some life to their dormant franchises, with "Megaman" being one of them. It has been a while since a new "Megaman" game was released, so this latest venture looks like an attempt to revive an iconic series that has been pretty dormant over the last few years. Have you played the original "Megaman" series? Are you excited for the upcoming modern rendition of the game?

Capcom, Nintendo, Android, IOS
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