February 27, 2025 02:05 AM

Rick And Morty 'Total Rickall' Card Game To Be Released This December

Adult Swim might have dropped the news that Season 3 wouldn't happen this year, but do you know what Rick and Morty's shenanigans will be released this month? Not a preview for next year's episodes, but their 'Total Rickall' card game.

Cryptozoic Entertainment released this fun on June 22. It's a group game good for two to five players, with a playing time of 30 minutes.

Rick has locked the family inside their house. Why? Because the family has grown. Parasites masquerading as family and close friends have infiltrated and have inserted pleasant memories into everyone's minds to make them think they're real. And more keep coming! You must figure out which of these new, zany characters are real and which ones are parasites that need to be exterminated. Think you've got what it takes to save the world?

With a retail price of $15, it's something to have while waiting for the new season. Contents of the box are 60 action cards, 30 identity cards, and 24 character cards.

To play in Standard and Advanced Modes, remove four Real and two Parasite cards from this deck of 30.

Of the 24 cards remaining, 18 are Parasites and six are Real.

How to play? Cryptozoic gave us the guidelines.

Each player picks one Action card from their set and places it face down. Draw the top card from the deck. Once everyone has a face-down card in front of them, flip them all up. The First Player resolves their card. If a Parasite has been drawn to play, that's where you shoot them.

Continue to play in clockwise order. When all face-up Action cards have been set, the round is over

If you shoot a Parasite, discard the Identity card and the Character. If you kill a Real Character, discard that Character, but place the Real Identity card face up off to the side into a "fail pile" as a penalty for shooting a Real Character.

People would be itching to shoot a Parasite. It's a nice itch. It replaces the hankering for the new season in a while.

Rick and morty, Rick and morty season 3
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