March 12, 2025 17:52 PM

'Dishonored 2' News: YouTube Video Shows Player Killing Villain 80 Times

A villain in Dishonored 2, Kirin Jindosh, was shown in an uploaded video to have been killed multiple times in a multitude of methods. Much like the original Dishonored, the sequel has spawned videos filled with multiple deaths.

Most players would be satisfied just killing the villain once and then proceeding with the game. A dishonored 2 player made a YouTube video where he eliminates Kirin Jindosh in 80 increasingly inventive ways to the point it becomes comedic.

Dishonored 2 is the type of game that gives players the freedom to choose different play styles. It encourages creativity in the manner players complete objectives and finishes the game. Players can take their time and plan a strategy if they want to kill in the specific manner they desire.

Kirin Jindosh lives in a mechanical, living mansion that gives a player a lot of options for a kill to choose from. According to gaming website PC Gamer, it appears YouTuber Cosmic Contrarian couldn't decide in what manner to terminate smug Kirin Jindosh.

He initiated a sustained assassination campaign to eliminate the inventor in 80 varied ways and recorded his achievement for posterity in a video. Gaming website Kotaku reports that, primarily recognized for his astonishing fights with Fallout NPC's, the YouTuber has without a doubt shown he definitely knows how to kill in Dishonored 2 and his video is well-documented evidence to support this.

Cosmic Contrarian's serial killing video shows off the boundless creative options that pervades Dishonored 2. The murderous rampage is set to the music of Johann Strauss' The Beautiful Danube which fans of 2001 A Space Odyssey will appreciate.

According to gaming website VG247, any of the kills utilize the powers and inventories of the main characters Corvo and Emily, counting each method twice. The rest of the kills are so much more creative and reflects the endless possibilities of what can be done in Dishonored 2 if a player thinks outside the box.

Dishonored 2, Dishonored, Youtube
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