March 29, 2025 13:39 PM

Mount Rushmore's Secret Room: A Real Life 'National Treasure' Adventure

Built 75 years ago, Mount Rushmore has been an American landmark where many tourists and patriots visit and pay tribute every year. Despite the many tourists George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln see every year, there is a little known secret inside the mount that most tourists never heard of.

Located in South Dakota, and the setting of many American movies and blockbusters, it has been discovered that Mount Rushmore has a hidden chamber inside of it, which could point to clues about the controversies and intrigues surrounding this mysterious monument, and our founding fathers.

As if from the movie "National Treasure", starring Nicolas Cage, a secret room was behind the large carved head of former president Abraham Lincoln. According to The Sun this secret room was meant to serve as the United States' Hall of Records, and would have kept all of America's history in its annals. It is accessible via an 800 foot staircase and stretches 80 by 100 feet, indeed large enough to contain all of America's history.

While people have quipped that they would not like to live here should Donald Trump win the election, much issue had been thrown at designer Gutzon Borglum back during the creation days of Mount Rushmore. According to The Huffington Post, he envisioned the secret room to house not just important books and documents, but also relics of American history such as the original draft of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Borglum meant it to be large and iconic so that explorers from future civilizations could easily stumble upon it and find complete information on American history inside it.

After leaving an unfinished 70 foot tunnel behind the faces, and to Bogrglum's dismay, Congress shut down the idea after construction on the façade started. It was eventually completed in the early 1990s and in a twist of events, a titanium vault containing descriptions of Mount Rushmore's construction was mysteriously placed at the tunnel's entryway in 1998. Borglum's descendants entered the chamber as the vault was lowered into place and since then, no park visitors have been allowed to enter, except for the staff.

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