March 9, 2025 10:21 AM

Pahoa Lava Flow Update: Molten Rocks From Kilauea Volcano Gets Closer To The Populated Town [VIDEO+REPORT]

News update reveals the lava flow continues to get close to the Pahoa village in Hawaii while authorities deploy troops to provide security on Thursday.

Local residents living the said village in Big Island are currently in great fear as the molten rocks move to their area. Magma from the Kilauea volcano started to make way out from the said landform since June and until now, the flow just never stops. The unstopping flow of the mixture of fire and rocks becomes more threatening as it approaches the populated area.

According to the recent update, the lava flow is travelling at a rate of 5 to 10 yards an hour while a report on Thursday reveals that the leading edge is estimated at 100 yards from a certain house. With the ongoing movement towards the Pahoa village, government authorities are already eyeing a possible evacuation of the residents. The rate is also hard to predict since there are times that the flow tends to slow down and speeds up.

Several roads have been already closed regarding the incident while there are also temporary paths being created. While the molten rocks continue to move forward into the populated village, it has already caused several damages. According to an earlier report, a Buddhist cemetery has been affected while it also burned a shed and lots of vegetation.

As the lava flow gets near the Pahoa village, recent news update states that the Hawaii National Guard deployed 83 troops on Thursday. They are expected to provide additional security, especially with the safety issues. So far, the route of the flowing rocks and fire is still hard to predict.

Many of the Pahoa village residents are reportedly hoping that the path taken by the lava will change; however, no new updates about it have been revealed.

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