March 10, 2025 20:51 PM

Indiana Mothers Disappearance: Two Moms with Somewhat Similar Profiles Mysteriously Vanish Just 20 Miles Apart [WATCH VIDEO]

Indiana mothers disappearance - Two moms have mysteriously vanished just five weeks and less than 20 miles apart, causing authorities to believe that there could be a link to each case, ABC News has learned.

Cops said an active investigation to the Indiana mothers disappearance case is being done, to trace possible connection between the two missing women Joelle Lockwood, 30, of Evansville and Kristy Kelley, 27, of Boonville. Both are said to be mothers of two kids, and both were wearing tank tops and blue jean shorts when they vanished.

"It doesn't happen frequently that we have two women of the same age group that go missing around the same time," Warrick County Sheriff Brett Kruse reportedly said.

Kelley, one of the missing women in the Indiana mothers disappearance case, is described as a 135-pound, 5-foot-5-inch white woman. She has long brown hair and blue eyes, and was last spotted at a VFW lounge in Boonville, Indiana at around 1:30 a.m. Friday. Her father Todd Scales, said she had been hanging out with pals at the VFW and headed out approximately 15 minutes after they left.

However, in a distance of less than 2 miles, somewhere between the lounge and her parent's place, both Kelley and her 2003 Nissan Xterra with an Indiana license plate SZF858, disappeared without a trace.

Authorities have recovered a video footage from a local ice cream parlor and a church, showing Kelley's car heading to the direction of her home. Unfortunately, the clip is blurry making it hard to identify the driver of the vehicle.

Lockwood on the other hand, is described as a 125-pound, 5-foot-3-inch white woman. She has brown hair, brown eyes and two tattoos - a tribal design on the back of her neck and a Playboy bunny on her right shoulder, according to Huffington Post. She was last seen on July 9 leaving a party in Evansvill.

The parents of both women in the Indiana mothers disappearance case said their children didn't have enemies and both were very easy going individuals.

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