May 18, 2024 9:08 PM

Katherine Hewitt

  • · Travel Tips

    5 Things You Shouldn’t do While Traveling Abroad but Actually Should

    Growing up we are all told not to talk to strangers; however, you can meet some of the most amazing people this way. Just say good morning and strike up a conversation. Ask them if they have always lived in this city, what they do, etc. Sometimes they will give you handy tips for visiting the city like hidden places, good restaurants, good visiting times, areas of town to avoid. You might even meet a national team player!

  • · Leisure

    Relaxing in Honduras

    Off the northern coast of Honduras in the Caribbean Sea there is a group of islands known as the Islas de la Bahía, or in English the Islands of the Bay. The bay consists of three islands: Roatan, Utila, and Guanaja. Once unknown to most tourists, the islands are growing popularity but still offer an uncrowded-with-tourists feeling. The islands offer a relaxing get away, resting on beaches and exploring the natural beauty that fills these islands.

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