February 23, 2025 01:17 AM

Articles by Colleen Lindsay

Colleen Lindsay

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    Life on Mars! Mars Rover Documented New "Rock" That Appeared 13 Days After Original Photo

    In a before and after photo, the Mars Rover documented a new "rock" that appeared 13 days after the original photo. This rock has been documented as an anomaly, an object that was inadvertently overturned by the rover. However, Joseph claims that the rock is a living thing that, while present in the before picture, grew to a visible size in 13 days.

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    Putin's Choice: Being Gay in Russia

    In one week the Sochi Winter Olympic Games begin in Russia. Already, many players, fans, celebrities and politicians are hesitant about what has turned into a large political debate- the treatment of same-sex couples in Russia. In a recent interview, President Vladimir Putin claimed that gay Olympians would be safe within Russia's borders, but only if they "leave kids alone".

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    Tiny Space, Large Capacity: Eco-friendly 350-square-foot apartment with 8 rooms

    TreeHugger founder Graham Hill demonstrates how a simple studio apartment can, through the aid of sliding walls and collapsible furniture, function as an eight-room dwelling with a guest room and full size table.

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