March 9, 2025 17:24 PM

Got Road Rage? Survey Says Texting is the Most Aggravating Behavior Among Drivers

What is the most aggravating behavior among drivers? Texting. Expedia. com, the world's largest full service online travel site, released the results of the 2014 Road Rage Report just in time for the busy Memorial Day weekend in which 30 million Americans are expected to drive.

The survey, conducted by Northstar, included the answers from 1,001 American adults. They were asked to identify the behaviors that are most likely to elicit road rage and the answers ranged from texting to swearing and speeding.

American drivers are most angered by distracted drivers. Sixty-nine percent said those who text while driving are the most aggravating drivers. The next most aggravating behavior is tailgating at 60 percent. This was followed by "The Multitasker" at 54 percent, "The Drifter" at 43 percent and "The Crawler" or slow driver at 39 percent. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans (69%) report having been "flipped off" by a fellow motorist, while only 17% have admitted to doing so themselves.

"As the unofficial start of summer, Memorial Day sees a huge spike in the number of drivers on the road," said John Morrey, Vice President and General Manager, "Expedia rents millions of cars to Americans, so we set out to learn what behaviors on the open road are most welcome, and what behaviors most aggravating. The rule, as with airplanes and hotels, is that shared spaces demand decorum and attentiveness."

The full list of driving behaviors ranked as "most annoying or offensive" includes (percentage identifies behaviors ranked in the top five):

The Texter (drivers who text, email or talk on a phone while driving):

The Tailgater (drivers who follow others far too closely):

The Multi-tasker (applying makeup, eating, reading, etc.):

The Drifter (either straddling two lanes or weaving between them):

The Crawler (driving well below the speed limit):

The Swerver (failing to signal before changing lanes or turning):

The Left-Lane Hog (drivers who occupy the passing lane without moving):

The Inconsiderate (those who do not let others merge):

The Speeder (driving well past the speed limit at length):

The Honker (drivers who slam the horn at will):

The Unappreciative (drivers who do not give a wave or gesture of thanks):

The Red Light Racer (drivers who inch ever closer to the light when red):

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