March 26, 2025 10:57 AM

Cases of Deadly MERS Virus Reportedly in the US

After three confirmed reports of MERS Virus cases in the US, the US Centers for Disease Control are now looking for ways to contain the virus. MERS Virus stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. This virus was first identified in Saudi Arabia two years ago after finding some patients who fell ill of an outbreak of a new flu. Since then there were 173 cases of patients who died due to this infection.

The most recent case of this virus in the US came from a man in Illinois. He got the virus from a patient in Indiana who was infected with it in Saudi Arabia. According to him the virus was inflicted to him after shaking the man's hand. Apparently he was in a business meeting with that man for 30 to 40 minutes.

MERS Virus is known to be an airborne virus. It has the following symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Individuals who have symptoms like this and who happens to have travelled from the Arabian Peninsula must immediately seek medical help before it causes severe outbreak. Everyone is urged to participate in preventing the spread of such virus by coming forward if they are experiencing the above symptoms also. Most of the virus' victims are actually being infected. Physicians who are familiar with the case expressed that symptoms would take up to 14 days before the virus would take effect. 20 percent of those patients are also reported to not having shown any symptoms at all.

Due to this developments, US officials have posted warnings throughout the airport to keep the public informed to watch out for sick passengers. With this strategy, it can help decrease the chances of having the virus spread in the country.

Illinois, Indiana, Saudi Arabia
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