March 28, 2025 19:11 PM

Teaneck High School Prank: Police Arrests 62 Students Over Senior Prank

Teaneck high school prank had police arresting 62 students in the campus. That's a large number for a group of students pulling a prank. The more than 60 students allegedly involved in the Teaneck high school prank happened Thursday.

According to police, the students involved in the Teaneck high school prank broke into the school for a senior class prank. They reportedly greased doorknobs with Vaseline and urinated in the hallways. Initially, the police were called to a burglar alarm at the school around 2:30 a.m. on Thursday.

When the police officers arrived on campus to respond to the then unknown Teaneck high school prank, they reportedly found desks and chairs flipped over, graffiti on the walls, silly string on the floor and hot dogs taped to lockers. Acting Police Chief Robert Carney said, "Numerous desks, chairs were dragged out into the hallways, you couldn't make it through some of the hallways. The urine all over the hallways, the grease that was applied to the doors, there was a large amount of it."

Before they went inside to check the Teaneck high school prank, officers said they could see the prankers through the school's windows. In a report by Sean Adams of WCBS 880, 17 police departments surrounding the Teaneck high school area were also called in to help round-up students. Carney said, "It is possible that a few got away, but the majority were caught."

According to police, a total of 62 students allegedly involved in the Teaneck high school prank were arrested. These students include 38 juveniles and 24 students who are 18 or older. According to Carney, when they were arrested, some were laughing, but others were scared. Students reportedly told the officers that everything was a prank and the Teaneck high school prank which had the students arrested were an annual tradition at the high school.

Teaneck Police Sgt. John Garland said, "If this was a senior class prank, I just don't believe that a lot of them realize the seriousness of it as far as breaking into the building. That's a burglary and I don't think they understand that. It's a very serious offense. Not to mention the criminal mischief, the vandalism that went on."

The juveniles involved in the Teaneck high school prank were turned over to their parents while the 24 adult students faced a judge. The adults were charged with burglary and criminal mischief.

Parent Carlos Garrison told CBS 2′s Weijia Jiang, "I know he thought it was fun and games, but it's real life. It's not fun and games."

Some parents meanwhile didn't think the Teaneck high school prank was damaging saying, "It's a yearly prank that's done," said parent Pat D'onofrio. "The police should not have arrested these kids."

Teaneck high school prank which had police arresting 62 students may result to disciplining the involved high-schoolers. Superintendent Barbara Pinsak said in a statemen, "The district continues to assess the situation and is considering the consequences it will impose on the students implicated."

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