February 11, 2025 23:36 PM

Kleptomania: Top 5 Signs and Symptoms

Kleptomania is a psychological disorder where the person affected cannot resist the impulse to take things. These things are often trivial and the "kleptomaniac" does not necessarily use it. They steal to relieve their anxiety and it is a regular habit that is very difficult to discontinue. Kleptomania often occurs alongside other psychological disorders such as buliama or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A person with kleptomania will exhibit the following signs:

1. An intense urge to steal things: This is the most distinguished characteristic of kleptomania. As it is an impulse-control disorder, a person with kleptomania has powerful urge to steal. People with kleptomania steal to relieve themselves of stress and anxiety. They steal trivial things, usually in public places. After, they are rewarded with feelings of gratification but will soon be replaced with remorse, anxiety and embarrassment.

2. Feelings of gratification replaced with guilt, fear and anxiety: After stealing, a kleptomaniac is relieved of the anxiety he feels beforehand. He feels pleasure from this deed but soon after will feel anxiety, shame, guilt and fear from what he did. He then feels tension and stress again and the cycle is repeated.

3. Lack of malice: A person with kleptomania has no specific target in mind. There is no specific person or shop that he intends to steal from. They steal trivial items such as lipgloss or paper clips and do not even use them. They keep it stashed away or give it to other people. Often, their urges are spur of the moment or whenever they feel stress and anxiety. They do not steal out of anger or vengeance or even personal gain. They steal solely to alleviate their anxiety.

4. Very little or no signs of conduct disorder and emotional breakdowns: Kleptomaniacs do not show inappropriate and outlandish behavior in public. They are without conduct disorder or emotional and behavioral predicaments. They do not behave inappropriately or violently. They try to steal without arousing trouble or hype. If there is a high probability of getting caught, a kleptomaniac might refrain from stealing from that store.

5. Compulsive and constant stealing: This is one of the signs that makes kleptomania an impulse disorder. Their stealing is done on a regular basis and as they often feel anxiety, a cycle is formed and repeated. Even after feelings of guilt and embarrassment, he will repeat stealing to experience the short-lived gratification he felt before.

A person with kleptomania needs professional help. He will be hesistant and nervous to ask for help because he is afraid to get caught. A support system is a must to help kleptomaniacs get the medical attention they require

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