US Airways tweet picture received different feedbacks as it depicted a pornographic image.

The management of the US Airways is now investigating on the tweet that was posted by the airline in response to a client's complaints. The US Airways tweet picture is obviously inappropriate and disrespectful. After the pornographic image was removed from the airline's official Twitter account on Monday, they posted another tweet but this time, it's an apology.

An apology was issued by the US Airways on Monday night following an inappropriate post in their Twitter account. The US Airways tweet picture that has gain controversy depicts a naked woman lying on her bed with a model plane between her legs. The pornographic image was linked to a post from the US Airways as it responded to a client's clamor about the delayed flight.

The controversial tweet was actually a response to a client's tweet about her one-hour delayed flight from North Carolina to Oregon. "We welcome feedback, Elle. If your travel is complete, you can detail here for review and follow up", the post said wherein the pornographic image was attached.

The image was actually quickly retweeted all over the world gaining criticisms and also jokes. After the disgracing image went viral, the management of the airline using its official account in the said social network site eventually issued an apology. According to them they already removed the post and that they are investigating its source.

"We apologize for an inappropriate image recently shared as a link in one of our responses. We've removed the tweet and are investigating." US Airways stated on Monday night.

As the said image was retweeted all over the world, it received a mix of reactions from disgust to amusement. The source for the pornographic image is not yet known however, there are speculations that it was posted as a joke by the departing member of the US Airways' social media team. There is also the side of the story telling that the photo was actually sent "to the airline" and not from the airline. Moreover, investigation is still ongoing.