January 11, 2025 14:48 PM

Raising Awareness: Key to a Better Prognosis for People with Hypogammaglobulinemia

Increasing awareness on Hypogammaglobulinemia leads to proper management and early treatment.

A health condition such as the hypogammaglobulinemia is actually characterized with the reduction of immunoglobulins which serves as the body's defense against possible invading organisms. Since many people are not familiar with this type of health condition, continuous health awareness is being done to inform the public in different ways. This condition is actually fatal if not treated properly and promptly.

The condition actually comes in two forms; it can be primary or secondary. The primary hypogammaglobulinemia is brought about by the reduction in synthesis of gamma globulins whereas the second type is due to the loss or breakdown of gamma globulins which is also secondary to an existing disease. It is often associated with infections such as sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia and conjunctivitis due to the fact that gamma globulins are the body's aid in defense.

Symptoms of the said condition according to doctors are easily overlooked that is why thorough assessment must be done. Health history of the entire family is also assessed to detect immune- related problems. Clinical features for hypogammagobulinemia includes one or more pneumonias in 1 year, failure to grow normally, recurrent deep skin abscesses and persistent thrush for infants. While on the adults, it includes manifestations of chronic diarrhea, weight loss and recurrent viral infections.

Medical steps are taken into account by various doctors expert on this field. Antibiotic therapy is initially done to correct acute infections while bone marrow transplantation becomes the treatment of choice for severe conditions.

The early detection for this kind of immune condition is very essential towards recovery. On the contrary, late diagnosis results in recurrent and even more severe infections, malabasorption and anemia thus affecting good prognosis for the patient.

"Increased awareness of primary antibody deficiency syndromes and appropriate laboratory support can lead to early diagnosis and correct management of children with recurrent infections due to these conditions", Dr. R. Lakshman said.

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